About Vortex
Vortex provides control and insight of websites and web-based data. Much like real-world vortices that move, stretch, twist, and interact in complex ways, Vortex is able to similarly do the same with HTTP/S data. Vortex is a network appliance with content-aware-routing that dynamically forwards web-based data between computer networks and systems.
Why Vortex exists today
Software has evolved to increase scale, fault tolerance, and agility. With this technological progression, there is an inherent side effect that comes with it: increased complexity of observing data, troubleshooting, and debugging of remote systems.
Vortex was built to save one of the most valuable resources of any person or organization, it was built to save time. Our mission is to provide control and insight of local and remote web-based transactions from anywhere to anywhere.
How does Vortex save time?
Our mission is to empower users with a technological leap in controllability with built in observability and debugability, while being code-free, library free, and agent-less.
On demand controllability: Route local or remote (e.g. cloud) traffic anywhere, to any developer or system. Passively observe or actively participate with any transaction, thus providing unprecedented debugging abilities, such as real-time remote debugging of transactions without reproduction.
Collection of transactions: Eliminate the need to build transaction observation within your applications saving you many hours of development and DevOps. Have access to request and response data without code changes, libraries, or remote agents.
On demand observability: Only journal traffic that is most important, which reduces wasteful network I/O, processing, and storage.
Flexibility: Software development applications and their implementation vary in location (e.g. localhost, container, cloud-hosted, staging, production, etc), operating system (Linux, MacOS, Windows), and stack (LAMP, WAMP, MEAN, Serverless, etc).
Vortex provides HTTP/S observability tooling with little-to-no impact to workflows and DevOps. It is a cross platform solution that is language agnostic (javascript, java, php, html, css, python, cpp, .net, and more) for developers, QA analysts, and DevOps:
Local IDE debugging of 'live' remote transactions
Replay of historical transactions
Transaction viewer and analyzer
Rules based transaction journalling
On demand transaction echoing to external systems (e.g. Logging system, backup systems, sandbox, etc)